Hello and welcome. Please click on the play button below to listen to our story. The audio file is narrated in a mix of Mandarin Chinese, Arabic and English. You may find the text transcribed below in its narrated language as well as its English translation.


Hello, my name is Chao Yung Ning and I’m the founder of Ministry of Dumpling Affairs. I’m a Taiwanese that was born and raised in Saudi Arabia. Dumpling is something that I’ve been eating for as long as I could remember, every dumpling I engage with represents a transition in my life. Eating dumpling isn’t just about trying new things or feeding my body, it’s where I entrust my sense of home in every given moment. Everything I know about dumplings is based on this one here. It’s my mom’s dumplings. Hand-rolled wrapping filled with minced beef, carrot, green onion and some sesame oil. Steam it for seven minutes, it’s best eaten straight off the stove. In my world, a dumpling can only be called a dumpling if it is eaten this way. Where I find this dumpling, I find my mom. Whether it’s Taiwan or Saudi Arabia, she always manages to create the same taste. She learned it from my grandma, who learned it from my great-grandma. Great-grandma brought this dumpling over from northwest China to Saudi Arabia, back when they escaped the Chinese Civil war. Because instead of following most people to be a Nationalist Chinese in Taiwan, they decided to be the ideal Muslim in Saudi Arabia.

السعودية، بلاد الحرمين، أرض المساواة و الاخوة و الثقافات المتعددة. يقولوا احنا في خدمة ضيوف الرحمن. و ما هم غلطانين، عشان طالماً منك سعودي، حتكون دايماً ضيف. ايام زمان، المسلمين من كل العالم جو يحجوا، بعضهم ما رجعوا ديرتهم بعد الحج. و من ضمنهم كان في حجاج من وسط آسيا، زي البخارية و الأفغان. اسسوا بيوتهم في الحجاز بحفاظ على نكهة و تراث الطبيخ البيتي، زي ما سوت ام جدتي والاقارب قبل ٧٠ سنة. الحين مرة عادي تلاقي المنتو في السعودية. المنتو اكل من وسط اسيا اللي هو لحم مفروم مع بصل و فلفل أسود محشي في العجينة. المكونات مرة بسيطة بس لها نكهة معقدة تقعد في الاحساس. بعد ما أسسوا آل سعود المملكة على اسمهم، ضيوف الرحمن لازم يتبعوا العادات و القوانين السعودية عشان يبقوا في بيت الله. المنتو انتشر و استقر في المملكة وقت ما حطوا السعوديين الكمون و الخل و الشطة عليه، بس اللي يسوا المنتو ما اتسعودوا، فمالهم الانتماء في مكان اللي عاشوا طول حياتهم

Saudi Arabia, the country of two Holy Mosques, the land of equality, diversity and brotherhood. They say, we are here to serve the guests of God. And they’re not wrong. For as long as you are not a Saudi, you will remain a guest. In the beginning, Muslims from all over the world came as pilgrims and some stayed. This included people from central Asia, such as the Bukharis and Afghans. They built new homes by recreating flavours of old homes, the same way my great-grandma did some seventy years ago. Today, it is very common to find Mantu in Saudi Arabia. It is a central Asian food made of minced lamb, onion and black pepper wrapped in flour dough. Very simple ingredients, yet leaves a complex aftertaste. After the Saud family built a kingdom in their family name, guests of God have to follow Saudi rules to remain in God’s house. Mantu has spread and settled in the Kingdom as Saudis started eating it with vinegar, cumin and chilli sauce. Whereas the people making Mantu lack Saudiness, therefore they struggle to find belonging at the only place they’ve lived in.


With fragmented sense of belonging in Saudi Arabia, how much of a home would I find in Taiwan? When I first moved to Taiwan, my understanding of dumplings went through several deconstructions. It was then that I realised the default definition for dumpling in Taiwan is pork and cabbage filling, it is boiled so it is called water dumpling, it is usually dipped in soy sauce before eating. Of course, I gradually came to know other “dumplings” too: pot stickers, pan fried dumplings, shrimp dumplings, wonton. But it was almost impossible to get a taste of them in the streets as they were always stuffed with pork. Occasionally I would find vegetarian ones, so I would get a rough idea of what the different wrappings, cooking techniques and dippings are like. Then try to imitate them with Halal meat at home, so I can experience these Taiwanese dumplings that have mutated from their ancestors all over China.

But the dumpling that I really want to have, is my mom’s. I refused to even try to recreate them after I began living my own life. There is a deep fear that if I mess it up, the ultimate home that is embedded in my memories of that dumpling would also be messed up.

Moving to the Netherlands was the first time that I had to create a completely new home by myself. It was here that I realised, the existence of my mom’s dumpling would only get further away from me. I have to let go of distant memories to make space for new experiences. I either accept the unattainable reality of my dream, or extend its existence by holding on to traces of that dream. So I began making dumplings with her ingredients.

But we are, after all, two pairs of hands. There are close resemblances but never the same. I filled the fragments of her absence with ingredients of my recent experiences. The more copies I made, the more of my ingredients took over her presence. Perhaps one day, when the existence of my own dumpling takes on a solid form, then my mom’s dumpling would just be gone.

Of course, not just my mom’s dumpling goes away. All dumplings do. I‘m limited by my inability to stop time and hold on to one ideal dumpling, but I’m also powered by the unlimited possibilities that the unknown dumplings hold.

This Ministry is the manifestation of my inner workings. It represents how I familiarise myself with a place and what gives me a sense of stability. It is a snippet of how I accumulate sentiments with people through interaction, and maximise my presence to explore the unknown. Our presence in this structure, and the structure itself, is short-lived, but we would like to continue the relations beyond this structure.

Hopefully we will meet again at upcoming programmes and events of the Ministry. Take care and looking forward to our future dumplings!